Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Rainbows and Lollipops

"Rainbows, Lollipops, and..."  The monsoons have arrived much to our relief.  The showers are scattered, so not all of the western slope of Colorado is feeling the relief as much as we are, but every drop helps.  

My current painting is of a view of Red Mountains 1 & 2 from Black Bear Pass Road.  I have tried painting a similar view before and failed miserably.  Hopefully this time will be "Rainbows and Lollipops"    

Red Mountain 1 &2 from Black Bear Pass
Reference photo I took last year

After sketching, I laid in a light wash wet in wet for the distant ridge

My second wet in wet application was a light wash on the Red Mountains
I also used some masking fluid in the foreground to save some flowers

Next came a light wash of green  and another of yellow in the foreground,
There is also a blue/green wash on the right that will be distant trees

Here I have added more blue/green for additional distant trees, as well as some shadow
on the distant ridge

Additional washes on the distant ridges,  another wash of reds and oranges on the Red
Mountains, another wash on the closer trees

This is where the painting stands currently.  Hopefully the continuation will be
successful.  Check in next week.  :-)  Thanks!


Grammy aka Aunt Mellen, Mary Ellen said...

Is it okay to paint the pictures along with you? I love trying to paint with water colors.

Mary Ellen Ewing
Sheridan, AR

Bobbie Johnson Art said...

Sure, I would love to have you paint along.